1. 根据历史用量,生产计划,客户预测负责提供周度,月度物料需求计划;
Deliver weekly/monthly material requirement planning by SKU by Vendor by plant through historical usage, production plan, demand forecasting, strategic sourcing and vendors;
2. 负责库存控制及分析,兼顾质量,交货及成本。不断提升物料库存结构,SAP系统物料数据准确性及物料从供应商到仓库及生产线的流程;
Inventory control and analysis to balance quality, service and cost. Continuously improve material inventory structure, SAP system data accuracy, material flow from vendor to warehouse and to production.
3. 负责新项目物料的计划,保证物料及时供应,支持新项目带来的业务增长;
Quick response on projects and reflect the project requirement into the material planning to better support business growth.
4. 负责及时发送物料订单给供应商,跟催供应商交货,避免生产线断线,以及月度供应商交货准时率,并和供应商一起不断优化物料供应能力,提升供应商交货准时率;
Release material PO to vendor timely, follow up vendor delivery to avoid production line down. Manage vendor delivery performance and improve vendor OTR continuously.
5. 负责物料部门职能的工作流程,作业指导书定义,员工日常工作安排,请假,培训等等;
Be responsible for defining material function work procedure, work instruction, continuous improvement, work allocation btw material planners, Material planner leave, training etc…
6. 按时完成部门经理安排的其他工作.
Other task assigned by department manager.
1. 大学本科,物流,国际贸易或数学相关专业;
Bachelor degree & above, major in supply chain, logistics, business admistration, internation trade or mathmatics related.
2. 8年以上相关工作经验;
Minimum 8 years experience in related field.
3. 熟练应用office 软件,SAP, Power BI;
Proficient use in office, better to have experience in SAP, Power BI.
4. 高度责任感,团队精神及优先安排;
High sense of responsibility, team work and priority.
5. 快速学习,能够用A3PS等解决问题的工具解决复杂问题;
Quick learner, dare to address complicated issuew ith good problem solving skill, eg. A3PS.
6. 团队领导经验;
Team leading experience is preferred.
7. 能够将全球目标转化成内部目标及行动。
Adaptable and flexible to work in a global metrics structure.
更新时间: 2024/11/18
更新时间: 2024/11/18
更新时间: 2024/11/18
更新时间: 2024/11/18
更新时间: 2024/11/18