
  • 工作地址: 翠云(地铁站)
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:面议元 (月薪)


• 组建产品测试团队,培养测试专业人才,建立人才梯队,提高测试效率;
• Building the product test team, cultivate testing professionals, build up talent team, improve testing efficiency;
• 根据公司战略规划创新产品和对现有产品进行测试方法改进,并组织资源按计划达成;
• Improve test method for innovation products and existing products according to the company's strategic planning, and organize resources to achieve the plan;
• 创建及优化测试(验证和确认)领域的管理体系,流程,知识系统,形成组织内易于传承的数据系统和知识能;
• Create and optimize management systems, processes, and knowledge systems in the testing (verification and validation) field and develop data systems and knowledge capabilities that are easily passed on within the organization;
• 对公司开展测试和实验室技术方面的培训;对公司其余部门的技术支持;
• Provide training on testing and lab technology to the company, provide technical support to other departments of the company;
• 负责产品测试及实验室团队项目开发管理及日常管理工作;
• Responsible for project development management and daily management of product test and lab team;
• 负责产品测试及实验室团队质量目标的达成 、支持上级制定测试及实验室团队年度目标设定计划;
• Responsible for achieving the team's test quality goals, and support the superior to make the annual goal setting plan of the test and lab team;
• 构建产品测试及实验室领域的全球协同体系和工作方法,支持全球项目。
• Build a global collaborative system and work approach in the product testing and lab field to support global projects.

College degree or above, major in computer, automation and control.
At least 3 years vehicle product testing experience and 2 years test management experience.
• 熟练掌握汽车通信协议和相关工具,包括CAN,LIN,Ethernet;
Familiar with automobile electronic system communication protocol and related tools, including CAN,LIN,Ethernet;
• 熟悉EMC,电性能,环境试验标准并熟练使用相应的试验设备;
Familiar with EMC, ELP, Environmental testing standards and proficient in using the corresponding test equipment
• 精通黑盒测试技术、掌握白盒测试技术、精通Capl编程语言;
Proficient in black box testing technology, white box testing technology, proficient in Capl programming language;
• 具备分析和解决问题的能力,较强的沟通表达能力和团队合作意识,抗压能力强;
Have the ability to analyze and solve problems, strong communication skills and teamwork spirit, strong ability to work under pressure;
• 具备CNAS, ASPICE , ISO26262体系2年及以上管理经验;
2 years or more management experience in CNAS, ASPICE and ISO26262.


  • 工作年限: 5-10
  • 最低学历: 大专
  • 年龄要求: 无


  • 重庆睿博光电股份有限公司
  • 企业类型: 企业
  • 企业业务: 汽车零部件
  • 企业网址: https://www.rebo-group.com/
  • 企业简介:



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