
  • 工作地址: 马夸特电子科技(上海)有限公司
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:15000元 - 25000元 (月薪)


(Describe the reason why the **ition needs to be set up with 1-2 sentences/ 1-2句话描述设置该职位的目的)
à Senior Project buyer is experienced in new project supplier management by integrating the best suppliers into project development for best cost and on time delivery, and also ensuring flawless handover to MRP and commodity buyer.

à JOB SCOPE/岗位责任范围:
(Describe the responsible area or authorization of the **ition holder/描述该职位的 职权或负责的业务范围)
à Work with project team and make sure material requirement for new project are complete and exactly understood by suppliers. In addition to this, involve supplier upfront at concept design stage for DFC and DFM.
à Guided by internal processes, select best supplier with best cost for all new projects. Drive process improvement whenever there is a gap.
à Well communicate with internal teams, provide flawless support in terms of material/sample availability and ensure flawless transition to series production.
à Coach new buyers about process.

(Key job focuses and responsibilities to reflect critical successful factors(CSF)/成功达成职位目标的关键职责)
à Actively involved in project team and ensure the project requirements (i.e. project milestones, cost factors, supplier strategy) are well understood.
à Closely communicate with cross functional teams (sales, R&D, Quality, etc.) and ensure specification of each component are complete and articulated. Closely track engineering changes and ensure latest specification is available.
à Once required by project, ensure component cost estimation with best accuracy is available for project team.
à According to Data-map and Specification, closely coordinate with commodity buyers, SQEs, and ensure most suitable (in terms of supplier strategy, cost) supplier is selected for each of new projects.
à Send RFQ to suppliers and ensure all requirements are understood and questions are answered by coordinating internal cross functional departments.
à Negotiate price with suppliers for new components and ensure best result for the business. Coordination with commodity Buyer and lead buyer during the negotiation is required.
à Coordinate final supplier selection with Commodity Buyer and SQE, present at Sourcing Meeting, and ensure approval is obtained.
à Work with suppliers, ensure all contracts or agreements are signed with suppliers selected, including:LOI, tooling contract.
à Responsible for purchase parts BOM cost. Ensure BOM cost is under control and within target.
à Facilitate communication between supplier and internal departments, ensure communication is effective and support needed by either party is provided.
à Ensure on time delivery of samples and required document before handover to series purchasing.
à Responsible for managing parts engineering change before handover to series purchasing, ensure supplier obtain latest specification and Marquardt technical requirement is completely met.
à Regularly update “purchasing-concept “and ensure complete & accurate information are provided to commodity buyer and logistics during the handover.
à Ensure all new projects are filled in the project status list and awarding list;
à Involve supplier upfront at concept design stage for DFC and DFM.
à Drive process improvement whenever there is a gap.
à Coach new buyers about process.
à Implement other tasks assigned by superior to meet superior’s expectation.


  • 工作年限: 5-10
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 年龄要求: 无



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