
  • 工作地址: 远景动力技术(江苏)有限公司
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:1000元 - 2000元 (月薪)


1. 负责新产品、新产线在工业化阶段中的规划及管理,识别项目关键路径,重要里程碑及交付物;
Responsible to new product/production line related industrialization phase planning and management. Identify project critical path, key milestones and deliverables.
2. 负责跨基地、跨国项目制造端的工业化计划的推动与落实,提前识别过程风险并制定解决方案;
Responsible to industrialization project management cross plants and cross country for manufacturing side, identify risks in advance and define mitigation solutions.
3. 协同SE团队保障样品线生产交付和量产线的SOP.
Leading SE teams for sample production to SOP of mass manufacturing lines;
4. 负责新产品,新产线顺利交接给生产制造团队;
Leading smooth handover new line/product to operation team;
5. 标准化及持续改善工业化过程;
Standardizing and continuously improving industrialization related processes.
6. 负责初级SE领导/工程师的培养和能力建设。
Developing junior SE leaders/engineers competence.

1. 本科及以上学历,理工科背景;

Bachelor's degree or above, with a background in science and engineering;
2. 汽车行业或锂电行业背景优先;
Preferred automotive industry or lithium battery experience,
3. 5年以上项目管理或同步工程工作经验,有PMP资格证书优先
More than 5 years working experience in project management or simultaneous engineering, priority with PMP certification;
4. 熟悉IATF, VDA, APQP及制造运营体系;
Strong knowhow of IATF, VDA, APQP and manufacturing system;
5. 具备基础的工业4.0知识,具备敏捷和现场管理经验者优先
I_4.0 basic knowhow, agile and shopfloor management experience is plus;
6. 具备流利的英文听说读写能力,有国际项目工作经验者优先
Excellent communication skills in English, preferred international project work experience.


  • 工作年限: 5-10
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 年龄要求: 无



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