
  • 工作地址: 采埃孚富奥底盘技术有限公司
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:9000元 - 14000元 (月薪)


1. Based on company development strategy, customer requirements and lessons learn from former similar project, to organize project team to make the project plan and testing plan. 根据公司发展战略和顾客要求,以及以往相似项目的经验教训,组织项目小组成员制定项目计划和试验计划;

2. Getting enough input from Project Manager Acquisition, to ensure project can be implemented smoothly. 做好与获取项目经理的交接工作,取得足够的项目输入,以确保项目能够顺利实施;

3. Hold the regular project meeting to track the project status, to ensure the project implementation and fulfill the project targets (Quality, Cost, Deadline). 定期召开项目例会,跟踪项目计划完成情况,以确保实现项目的实施和目标(质量、成本、时间进度);

4. Organize internal project team to do project review, and release quality gate with project owner, according to the project plan. 按照项目计划,定期组织内部项目组成员实施项目评审,并与项目负责人按时释放cEngis质量门;

5. Organize project team to do sample and all internal &customer testing. 组织样件的生产,完成内部和客户的所有试验;

6. To do communication with customer, to improve customer satisfaction and ensure project implementation smoothly. 定期与客户沟通,以提高顾客满意度,以及项目的顺利实施;

7. Report and escalation to Dept. Manager and Project Owner in case of project deviation/risk. 在项目出现偏差/风险时向部门及项目经理汇报/升级;

8. Fulfill the requirements of Group Procedure and cEngis Quality Gate Review. 遵守集团程序以及cEngis质量门评审要求;

9. To do project lessons learn as the input for similar project future. 做好项目的经验总结,以作为以后类似新项目的输入;

10. Track for 3 months after SOP to organize project team all open points. 在项目批产后跟踪三个月,组织项目组成员关闭所有问题;

11. Handle the temporary matter given by leaders. 承办上级临时交办的其他工作;

12. Follow the environment/safety system policy; implement the environment/safety protection regulation, rules and laws; protect environment, avoid pollution and improve the performance with regard to overall environment protection. 遵守公司环境/安全管理体系方针;执行公司各项环境/安全管理规定和相关法律法规;保护环境、预防污染,持续改进我们公司的整体环境绩效。


1. Above three years’ experience as project team in automotive industries. 至少三年以上汽车行业项目管理及相关工作经验;

2. Bachelor's degree or even higher, engineering background is preferable. 学士或以上学位,机械专业背景者优先;

3. High competent in English listening, speaking, reading and writing. 流利的英语听说读写能力;

4. MS Office (Excel / Power Point / Word) and Microsoft Project. 熟练操作办公软件及项目管理软件;

5. Project management skill. 具备项目管理能力;

6. Team-oriented and communicative ability. 具有良好的团队合作和沟通能力。


  • 工作年限: 3-5
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 年龄要求: 无


  • 采埃孚富奥底盘技术(长春)有限公司
  • 企业网址: http://www.fawer.com.cn/
  • 企业简介:



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