
  • 工作地址: 虹桥万科中心5号楼
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:10000元 - 20000元 (月薪)


1. Personal Assistant tasks.
2. Organize meetings, take accurate minutes and active follow up open items.
3. Support on PPT creation, coordination and maintain.
4. Assist on KPI tracking with efficient methods.
5. Help engineering center implement state-of-the-art office and other efficient tools. E.g. AI.
6. Lead Continues Improvement Program.
7. Organize team-building activities.
8. Engineering Center Admin.
9. Other tasks assigned.

1. Bachelor’s degree and above. Engineering degree is preferred.
2. 5+ years minimum working experience.
3. Strong communication in both Chinese and English
4. Prove logical thinking and efficient communication skills.
5. Self-driven is desired.
6. Accountable, result driven, strong time management skills, can work under pressure.
7. Passion, proactive, high level of integrity
8. Good analytical skill with financial/commercial knowledge
9. Willingness and ability to work a flexible schedule, and travel when necessary.
10. Excellent knowledge of Word, Excel, PowerPoint


  • 工作年限: 5-10
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 年龄要求: 无


  • 麦格纳汽车技术(上海)有限公司
  • 企业类型: 企业
  • 企业业务: 汽车零部件
  • 企业网址: www.magna.com
  • 企业简介:

    麦格纳是全球首屈一指的汽车零部件供应商,在 29个国家设有321家制造工厂,102个产品开发、工程和销售中心。超过159000名员工全心全意以世界级制造的水准不断实现产品和工艺的创新,为我们的客户传递卓越价值。我们具备整车工程及代工制造专长,产品能力包括制造车身、底盘、外饰、座椅、动力总成、电子、主动驾驶辅助、镜像、闭锁及车顶系统,拥有多个领域的电子和软件工程能力。我们在多伦多证券交易所和纽约证券交易所的普通股代码分别为 MG 和 MGA。


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