1. 负责订单管理,包括下订单、订单确认,跟踪订单进度、跟踪出货、内部系统开**等;
Order management, including order creating in SAP, order confirmation to customers, delivery communication between internal Dept and customers,shipment follow up; invoice in SAP.
2. 推动内部生产计划及时解决客户订单中出现的问题;
Settle sales order delivery problems together with production planning.
3. 应收账款催款;
Reminder of AR.
4. 每周更新后续三个月销售预测初稿给销售部;
Provide sales forecast draft to Sales per week.
5. 及时上报销售月报表/ 销售预算,预测以及实际销售订单的差异分析;
Monthly Sales report/ Sales budget, forecast and actual orders analysis.
6. 交货不及时的统计及报告,以提高客户满意度;
Backlog and delay report and escalation.
7. 负责本区域文档的整理归档。
Document management.
8. 管理层及公司需要安排的任务;
Other tasks assigned by management/company.
1. 大专及以上学历;
College degree or above.
2. 3年以上外贸或客服工作经验;
3 year or above work experience in export sales, customer service or equivalent.
3. 英语CET-4或以上等级,熟练的口头和书面英文表达能力;
Good communication in English, especially spoken & written.
4. 熟练使用各类办公软件,特别是SAP系统;
Be familiar with the office software, preferably work experience with SAP R3.
5. 良好的沟通能力与团队合作精神。
Good communication and teamwork.