
  • 工作地址: 江苏省南通经济技术开发区新景路22号
  • 招聘人数: 若干 人
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 薪资:面议元 (月薪)


——支持报价流程Supporting quotation process
— 技术审核(图纸,BOM分析)/Technical review ( drawing, BOM analysis)
— 创建生产流程概念(设备类型&价格,人员配备,生产节拍,产线规划,产能预估)/Create process concept(equipment type & price, manning, cycle time, layout, capacity estimation)
— 可行性分析/Feasibility analysis
——为新项目及转移项目建立生产线/Build up production line for new project or transfer project
— 定义生产流程Define process flow and process concept confirmation
— 定义产线规划/Layout definition
— 定义设备及工装夹具/Define equipment and tool
— 调试及验收设备和工装夹具/Equipment and tool adjustment and acceptance
— 分析制程能力/Process capability analysis
— 验证制程及产品/Process & product validation
— 协助样品生产,满足客户要求/Supporting sample produce, meet customer requirement.
— 为新产品定义并确认包装方式/Package define and validate for new product
— 在SAP系统创建并审查及维护相关流程文件(流程图,控制计划,PFMEA, 作业指导书,Work plan, 包装方式……)/Create and review process documentation(FC, CP,PFMEA, WI,WP, Package instruction….), and maintain in system
— 解决生产流程及设备上的问题/Resolve problem of process and equipment
— 为产线正式量产做相关准备(在系统创建并检查routing, 人员配置及培训计划,产线平衡分析,准备PPAP文件)/Preparation for SOP of production line ( create and check routing in system, manning planning and training plan, production line balance analysis, PPAP document preparation)
— 根据客户给的订单预测进行检查产能是否满足/Capacity check according to forecast from customer
——设备筹备及订购/Equipment ordering
— 根据赫尔思曼标准筛选供应商/Supplier sorting according to Hirschmann standard
— 与设备供应商沟通并且提供专业知识/Communicate with equipment supplier and provide supplier program expertise
— 创建设备规格要求/Create equipment specification
— 评估并确认设备设计/Evaluate and confirm design of equipment
— 新设备的投资申请/New equipment investment application
— 设备在供应商处的预验收/Equipment pre-acceptance in supplier
— 贯彻并监控设备运行状态(生产节拍,维护保养记录,停机时间,备配件状态,不良率…)/Follow up and monitor machine running status(C/T, maintain record, DT, spare parts live, defect rate…)
— 对设备能力进行持续改善/Continue to improve the capability of equipment
——协助项目团队赶上ALP-PEP项目进度,并且按时转到量产状态/Supporting project team to catch ALP-PEP time line and complete transfer to SOP
——对产线持续改善,及时执行INP项目/Continue to Improve production line, implement INP project in time
——与其他相关部门沟通并解决问题/Communicate with cross function department to solve problems
——按时完成领导交代的其他任务/Complete the task from management on time

— 本科学历/Bachelor degree
— Mechanical / electrical / IE major
— 5+ year experience in automotive industry
— Familiar with automation equipment priority
— English communication and write skill
— SAP experience
— MS office
— 2D/3D drawing reading


  • 工作年限: 5-10
  • 最低学历: 本科
  • 年龄要求: 无



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